Terms & Conditions

Conditions of payment, retention of ownership

When you use the online webshop to purchase goods you can choose between making payment by either bank transfer, credit card or Paypal. Invoices will be issued by BOMAG GB Limited. 

Until completion of payment, the goods remain the property of BOMAG GB Limited, Sheldon Way, Larkfield, Kent ME20 6SE.

Date of conclusion of contract

By clicking on the order button, you submit a binding order for the goods in your basket. Order receipt will be confirmed as soon as the order has been dispatched. The sales contract does not come into effect by sending off the online order or by sending the automatic email confirmation, but with delivery of the goods. 


BOMAG GB Limited assumes all shipping risks. 

Right to cancel

If you have not acted in pursuit of your commercial or freelance professional activities, you can cancel your contract in writing(letter, fax or email) or by returning the goods within two weeks without stating the reasons. The period begins with receipt of the goods and this statement of instruction. The cancellation period is deemed safeguarded if the cancellation instruction or the product is sent on time. Please direct cancellation instructions to: 

Sheldon Way 
ME20 6SE
TEL: 01622 716611
FAX: 01622 710233
EMAIL: parts.gb@bomag.com

Consequences of cancellation:

If cancellation is successful, then any goods or payments made by either party must be returned/reimbursed and if necessary restitution must be made for any use made of said goods or the payment amount. BOMAG will credit the amount to your customer account or you will receive a refund on request. If you cannot return the received goods at all or only partially, or if you can only return them in a deteriorated condition, then BOMAG GB Limited has the right to charge a re-stocking fee. This does not apply for relinquishing goods if the deterioration of goods was determined solely on a check being carried out in the same way as would be possible on commercial premises or in a shop, for example. Otherwise, you can avoid any restocking fee for lost value by not using the product as your property and avoiding anything that could impair its value. You must bear the costs for return if the supplied goods correspond to those ordered and if the goods being returned; the same applies if you have not yet made a counter-performance or a contractually agreed partial payment at the time of cancellation. In other cases, returns are free of charge for you. 

There is no right to cancellation for custom-built products/machinery.

Liability for defects

If items should have material or manufacturing faults, please file a complaint for visible faults, including transport damage, as soon as possible. During the warranty period, you initially have the right for repairs to be made free of charge. 

If necessary, we will exchange the item entirely or in part. If a fault is not remedied within an appropriate time, you can choose between cancelling your purchase or having the purchase price reduced.

Liability is limited to the order value. Any other claims by the customer, for whatever legal reason, are excluded. BOMAG is therefore not liable for damage which has not occurred on the object of delivery itself.

The aforementioned liability limitations do not apply to "damages" arising from injury to life, limb or health or to damages where the cause is based on malice aforethought or gross negligence. Furthermore, they do not apply to claims by the customer in accordance with the product liability law.

The legal representatives, employees and other agents of BOMAG are not liable to any greater extent than BOMAG itself.


The customer can direct complaints to the company address, either by email or by post. 

Liability statement

The texts and illustrations published by BOMAG have been researched with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, neither BOMAG nor its suppliers make any guarantees for correctness. This also applies for any links to external pages; the operator of these external pages is solely responsible for them. Quotes are only valid for a period of 30 days. Price changes, errors and calculation errors excepted. 

Trademark law

BOMAG® is a registered trademark of BOMAG GmbH. At the same time, this website can also contain trademarks which belong to BOMAG or corresponding subsidiary companies. Not all trade names and/or registered trademarks are shown on this website. If a trademark is not shown on this website, it does not mean that BOMAG does not use it. Use of trademarks, for any reason, is prohibited unless prior permission is given. 


We would like to point out that all contents of this website are protected by copyright © of BOMAG GB Limited (henceforth referred to as "BOMAG") or its subsidiary companies. All rights remain reserved. 

You are permitted to view, copy, print out and save said contents as long as you use the contents published on the BOMAG website only for information purposes or for your personal, non-profit use, and you make reference to BOMAG. Otherwise, written permission from BOMAG is required. 

Any changes to the contents of this website are prohibited. 

If any future change to information shown on this page is necessary, you will always find the current version at this point. If you have any questions, we are available to help you personally by email or by telephone.